Monday, August 11, 2014

Mom and Dad took me to one of my favorite spots this weekend; Ramapo Reservation.

Located in Mahwah, the Ramapo Reservation has tons of great stuff to do, no matter how many legs you've got!

There's a lower level lake surrounded by a walking path (with rivers and ponds surrounding the path). There you can cast a line or throw down a picnic blanket and enjoy the view. The sign says that the rivers and lake are stocked with trout (which is okay; I'm more of a salmon lover).

After our little warmup around the bottom lake, we tighten our leashes/belts/shoelaces and start the climb to the top where a beautiful view awaits.

The climb takes about 25-30 minutes up (longer if you're walking me because I love to sniff everyone and everything.) There are a lot of off shoot trails and even a dangerous slope down that brings you to a very pretty waterfall.

Once me, Mom, and Dad get to the top of the trail, I change into my swimming trunks and long leash and go for a swim. There are plenty of sticks available for tossing into the lake. I even found a ball that didn't have an owner, so Mom and Dad tossed that into the lake.

I really like swimming there, but I do have one little complaint; Mom and Dad aren't allowed to swim with me. What fun is that for them?

I've tried a couple of times to pull Dad into the water. I even tried pretending to drown, but they didn't budge.

There are so many other dogs up there and they are all friendly and they all love to go swimming. It's a great place for me to cool off after a pretty tough hike uphill!

After about 20 minutes, we start our trek downhill. Downhill is so much easier and it only takes me about 7 minutes to reach the bottom. I'm still trying to master the concept behind "gravity" and "slow down".

There's a rest station for my humans but you have to remember to bring your own bags to pick up after your puppy. The park is really clean and I would appreciate it if you all helped keep it that way!

I'm always exhausted after a day at Ramapo Reservation. I usually just pass out on the car ride home and then curl up when I see my bed.

I give Ramapo Reservation 5 Bones out of a possible 5 Bones!